
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Put Some Windex.


This week has been exhausting.

Seriously. I think I forgot that school was supposed to be a lot of work.

Or that days seem to go by so quickly and before you know it, it is the day before your project is due and you are so behind and you are freaking out because you kind of forgot how exactly to do it and you want to do good because, of course, you want a good grade, but you also have so much more to do, plus you don't want to seem anti-social because you are never home.

Yeah....this first week has been a blur and a kick in the butt.

It's taught me that I need to be more focused, which might mean extended trips to the library.

Ick....that place is like a prison.

But mostly un-distracting so I guess thats a plus.

I just hope that this semester will be good. On wednesday, it seemed like was going to be awesome.

But then, I procrastinated.

I blame my accessibility to Netflix and David Tutera's awesome wedding planning skills.

And my friend, Sam.

But mostly, I just need to buckle down. I had too much fun during my off track. Not having to worry about multiple class with multiple homework assignment all going on at the same exact time. I was spoiled.

This day has been a great reliever though.

Going to church and feeling the spirit of God is something that I cannot live without.

It reminds me of what is truly important and that school is not the only reason that I am here in the Burg.

It also reminds me that I can be forgiven for all the things I have done wrong and that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there for me no matter how far from Them I think I have gone.

It is such a comfort. And hopefully through continuous scripture study, prayer, fasting, and temple attendance, I will get to a place where I feel his love and spirit at all times.

So in light of the Sabbath, I want to share a message with all of you. It is said with a spirit of comfort that gives me hope.

Have a blessed Sunday. 

Love you all. 


Monday, September 2, 2013

Pears....and Tigers.

You know life is just going awesome when you get your official discount card to use where you work, two weeks before you quit. funny life is.

Made my morning quite enjoyable.

Have an awesome Labor Day. Hopefully it is sunny where you are.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Our evil plan is working.

Wow....who would have thought that the past three months would go this fast.

It's already August. 

Four more weeks til school starts again. 

Two and a half months til I go to New York City. 

Six more months til I graduate. 

It just....It just....

It all just seems so surreal. I feel like I just left home. 

But I won't get ahead of myself. 

We'll save this thoughtful reverie for another post in like six months time. 

For now, let's stay in the present. If we don't, I think I might hyperventilate.

The present isn't too exciting though.

It consists of:

5-8 hour shifts 4-5 days a week.


Reading my scriptures.

Going on extensive walks, which are quite nice by the way. I wonder why I never took them before.

Hanging out with Sam, Nagila, Morwiah, and whoever else stops by.

Going to the Library to check out 8 books, but then end up taking them back two weeks later only having read one of them.

Going to DI (Deseret Industries -- equivalent of Goodwill if that rings a bell) and finding a super awesome pink sequin skirt that I have been looking for for ages.

Endless trips to Idaho Falls to go to work. Don't worry the Idaho landscape just gets more interesting the more you drive it.


Laughing and eating ice cream with Friends.

Watching Duck Dynasty.

Filling out job applications. Kind of. I am being a bit of a lazy bum in that ballpark.

Going to Utah to visit with the fam.

Celebrating my nephews birthday with a trip to the zoo.

Going to my first ever minor league baseball game. Pretty awesome I have to say. Didn't catch a ball though. Little bit of a let down.


Window online shopping for things that I really can't afford but don't worry.....most of those stay on the screen. Unfortunately.....

Lusting after landscapes, cities, mountains, and adventures that I wish to go on.

And a lot of praying because I have decided to change it up next semester. I have decided to move out of the apartment I have lived in for three years.

It doesn't seem like a big deal as I write it out to you.

I mean...I'm just moving, but I 'm leaving the place that has been my sanctuary for 1,095 days of the 8,030 days I have lived on this earth. When I say it like that it seems even more unimportant.

But for me, it is a big step, because I am leaving familiarity and branching a little bit into the unknown, which will be good for me.

That's what people say, right?

Here's to finding out if I believe them. :)


Monday, June 17, 2013

"Let's Go Fly A Kite...."

Reason #12 to why I am perpetually single:

To put it simply, I stink at flirting.

Think of the most awful smell you can think of and that is how much I stink at flirting with the opposite sex.

Just picture it:

Me at my new job standing behind the cash register concentrating hard on not making a huge, life altering mistake.

The next person in line is a reasonably attractive guy.

He says, "Hi, Bethany."

Don't worry. He's not a creeper. I definitely wear a name tag.

And of course, I say hi back. Ask him how he is doing.

The usual cashier greeting.

Then he says, "Is there anyway you could give me a good person discount?"

I smiled and said the first thing that came to my mind.

I can't remember it exactly, but it was lame and lacked any wit.

But don't worry the embarrassment doesn't end there.

When I gave him the total, he said, "Hey, look. You did it."

And I was liked, "Oh...yeah. I did."

This was meant to come out in a very sarcastic tone, but I guess it came out dead serious.

And he said, "Really?"

All I could say back was "Yeah." over and over again.

It was like my mouth was overriding every command the brain was giving it to just not say anything anymore. is a chronic problem.

I've tried to get medication for it, but apparently there is no cure.

When I told Moriah the story, she said that she hopes I will find someone who will think it is endearing.


That is just too funny.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

His name is Gaylord. That's Hot. He's Seven. Oh.....

So I was watching "The Voice" the other night....

You know the show.

With the singers.

And the guy who is annoyingly charismatic.

And the country duo that is AWESOME.

And, of course, Blake, Adam, Usher, and Shakira. is a recent find.

Anyway....back to the meat of the post.

During the commercial break, this ad came up.

And I just died.

I mean.....

It's just....


It's just awesome. have my complete loyalty.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Is this the Forehead of Security?

In light of my new look on life...

I decided it was adventure time.

So I took a week off from doing nothing and went home.

I know that doesn't seem quite adventurous, but sometimes when you are held up in one place for five months, a change of scene seems nice.

Even if it is a somewhat familiar one.

But before I headed home, my first stop was this cool kid's house.

We hit up the backyard. Played some B-ball. Jumped on a wet trampoline. was delightful.

Second stop: Home.

Where we visited the other cool kids' house.

(Sorry.....forgot to take a picture).

Then watched as this cool kid was baptized.

Then after stuffing ourselves with Mongolian food and then shopping and then sleep and then church, we all congregated at Grandma's house. 

For a barbecue. And other shenanigans.

Like unearthing worms.

Eating awesome food. 

Playing dress-up.

Playing endless rounds of What-If and She Said, He said. Oh....the laughs.

And enjoying some of the best company that exists on this planet.

Then came Good-bye and the Road Trip back. 

Filled with Awesomeness as seen above.

And snow!

 In May. 

Why not, right?


Friday, May 10, 2013

Stuffed has two syllables. Stuff-ed. I DON'T LIKE THAT.

There are some days where one is content.

With where they are. 

What they are doing. 

Who they are. 

And where they are going. 

But there are some days where one longs for more. 

Longs for change. 

For travel. 

For adventure. 

For uncertainty. 

For scenery that is unknown and undiscovered. 

And it's been one of those weeks.

Although I know that I am blessed to be here, sometimes I wish I could just go.

So right now, I am going to promise myself something,

To NEVER stop dreaming.

To NEVER give up with anything I believe in.

To NEVER not feel good enough to be on this earth.

To NEVER let my dreams be belittled.

To NEVER forget the opportunities are limitless.

To NEVER EVER live life with lost adventures.

I want to seize every moment and live it like it can never be lived again.

I want to find the love that exists all around the world.

I want to cherish all the beauty the Lord has provided us.

I want to live and honor those who have gone before me and Those who have created me.

For I never want to look back at my life and see a stationary person.

I want to see a moving, improving, giving, loving, forgiving, dreaming person.

Someone who someday can inspire my children.

To live.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Which kind of makes you a Guardian, too."

So.....since I have a lot of time on my hands, I've been doing some window shopping for my birthday.

Which is like 5 months away, but hey....never too late to plan.

After a very short time, I found the perfect gift.

So Dad....

If you are reading this....

Can I have one?

Pretty Please?

With the scruff included please?

Oh...and the suit.

Sorry, that is a lot of requirements.

I would just take him, too.

Thanks. :)


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hope on. Journey on.

You know what makes Sunday great.....

Not having to get out of bed until 9:45.

Not having to care what I look like because I didn't leave my apartment.

Overcooking oatmeal in the microwave til it turned to mush.

Then screwing it up once again on the stove.


The sound of General Conference coming out of the television speakers.

The answers answered by the servants of the Lord.

The truth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints witnessed again to me.

Drawing with oil pastels.

Chatting with the fam via video chat.

Cheese Quesadilla with a lollipop.

Snuggling with my blankee.

Making Mini Donut cupcakes.

Having dinner with the roomies.

Drawing to the sound of the Les Miserables soundtrack.


It can't really get better than that.


It can.

Sweet Dreams. :)


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Be not afraid...

Something about this semester has drained any wit that I have accumulated since the beginning of my college career. 

If I think about it hard sarcasm is almost gone, too. has damaged me, people! 

But that is what breaks are for right? 


To reclaim all of the wit and humor that has slowly disintegrated into a pile of seriousness?

I sure hope so....

I am so ready to get away from this place. Even if it is only for a week. 

On a happier note....


One of the most hopeful times of the year. 

A day to ponder all that our Savior Jesus Christ has given us. 

I don't know about you, but I feel especially grateful this year. 

This semester has not been easy. 

I have felt alone and insufficient. 

But I have felt the healing power of my Savior. 

For He was always there reaching for me and waiting for me. 

Waiting to bless me. 

I hope we all remember what this holiday is about. 

His ultimate gift and His love for us. 

Here's a video that continues to touch me and comfort me. 


He loves you.

He is always there.

Let Him in.

He is risen. 


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ain't nobody got time for that.

So I just walked into the lounge in my apartment complex to check my mail.

There was group of people playing a board game.....

They all looked at me when I came in.

I smiled with a key in my mouth.

Talk about awkward.... :)

Anyways....that wasn't the point.

While I was getting my mail, one of the guys started saying,

"I am pretty good at just sparking up random conversations....."

Is it weird that as he said that I thought about Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice?

It made me giggle....


Saturday, February 23, 2013

"What was your name? Eggnog?"

As you know, I am abnormally addicted to the color mustard. 

I mean....everything looks better in mustard yellow. 


Little coin purses.

Dresses and LACE!! Ahhh....I'm in love.

Bows and skirts. And lace. Again.

Shower Curtains. 


Couches and Pillows.


Best way to travel if I may say so.

Yep. I love everything mustard. 

Well....except mustard. 

That stuff is gross. 

But to each their own, right? 

However, there is one thing I didn't think that I would like in Mustard Yellow. 

I like it in about every other color.

Although, now that I think about it, I've just never imagined one in mustard yellow before.

It just seemed a little too extreme. 

But as I was scavenging pinterest, I found a one. 

A man suit. 

In mustard yellow. 

And yes....I like it. 

More than I thought I would. 

I actually find it utterly attractive.

Give me a man that can rock a mustard yellow suit. 

And I would never ask for anything again. 

Except maybe brownies. 

Yeps....I could definitely go for some brownies. 


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Is your name Virtue? Because you garnish my thought unceasingly.

Tonight I have realized that I have never been happier.


No....classes aren't over.

I still have a stack of homework I have to do tomorrow.

I am still single.

I have no money.

But I feel happy.

I have made a plan to stay in Rexburg for the next year.

I know what your thinking.....

Am I crazy?

At first I thought I was. I thought that that couldn't possibly be what God wants me to do.

There are so few benefits in staying in Rexburg.

Like no long chats with my mom.

Or family barbecues.

Or late night slushies that I beg my dad to make me.

But it makes me happy.

And I know I have God to thank for that.

I've never felt so sure of anything.

I don't necessarily know where I am going from here, but I know that it will all be for my good.

Because My Heavenly Father loves me and I love him.

God bless.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

I just want to kneel down and thank God for Jane Austen.

This week....

Ughh....lemme tell ya.

If the first four weeks of this semester is a sign for what the rest of the semester is going to be like...

Boy, oh boy. I'm in trouble. 

Big Twouble.

But with perseverance and peanut butter, I will endure. God willing. 

Oh....and with end of the month gorging. 

Emma and me have decided to only eat out three times this semester. 

At the end of each month. 

As a reward for every stress filled exhausting day of the month. 

This weekend chimed in the first outing. 

We went to Fong's. 

Nothing better than some good ol' sweet and sour chicken and rice. 

And we couldn't resist stopping at Horkley's for 44 oz of fuel. 

It's only a buck. 

Awesome, right?

So Friday consisted of us plopping on our floor and watching the 6-hour version of Pride and Prejudice. can't get any better than that. 

Especially since it is my latest infatuation. 

Me and Jane Austen....

we're tight. 

I met her once you know. 

She's basically my hero. 


Thursday, January 24, 2013

You've pierced my soul.

So in one of my classes, we are studying Hamlet.

And I say that very loosely....

Because I have hardly learned anything.

Yeah.....I don't really want to talk about it.

So....anyway, we are studying Hamlet.

And let's just say that I am not really a big fan of our dear Shakespeare.

His words and metaphors are just a little too cryptic for me.

But I have to admit, he is clever.

Probably one of the most clever and intelligent people who ever lived.

Which is most likely the reason I cannot understand him.

But thats not the point.

His plays are amazing though. It's not too hard to believe why he was so popular back in his day.

I do believe that his tragedies and comedies are much better when seen rather then read though.

Which is why I was so excited when I found out this guy:

Some know him as David Tennet

Some know him as the Doctor. 

Most know him as one of the most awesomest people on this planet. 

I think it's the accent. 

Or his hair. 

Or for his habit of not wearing shoes.

You pick.

Plays this guy....


In a BBC version of Hamlet. 

So cool....right. 

I love modern adaptions of awesome literature. 

Some say that it is wrong to put classic lit into modern times, but I think it is a brilliant way for our generation to appreciate the brillance of some of the greatest writers known to man.

Especially when some great actors are involved. 

It's on YouTube if you want to check it out. 

Tennet's rendition of the "To be or not to be..." soliloquy is quite impressive. 

But that is just my less than knowledgeable opinion.

And with that I must say, Adieu.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I thought you were in, I'm not.



You know you are in your sixth semester of college when life outside of class becomes almost unheard of. 

And it is only the second week. 


Living the Dream.

The only time I step away from the craziness of classes and homework is for Lizzie Bennet breaks. 

Yeah....these are what keeps me sane. 

And Darcy is back. I love the awkwardness of semi-unrequited love. 

I love break time. 

If you want to start from the beginning, here's a link.

It's bomb. 

No lies.


Monday, January 7, 2013

" ...the fermenting dung-heap of the inferior world..."

So it has only been like three weeks since I've been on campus, but this time, walking on campus felt different.

Yeah.....not sure what to think about that.

Maybe I will come up with some philosophical answer for that one later.

But for now....I digress.

First day of Winter semester!!

And oh boy was it wintery.

If you can imagine the temperatures in Antartica combined with those in would have Rexburg.

Or maybe that is just what it seemed like when water from my water bottle was leaking onto my pants all the way to Oil Painting this morning.

My first experience of water freezing to skin.

Yeah....never bringing water bottle again.

Needless to say, it made my morning all the more eventful.

And made me look like I peed my pants.

But life goes on right.

I mean....I'm sure not all of the attractive guys in my class noticed, right?



I sure do give the most awesomest first impressions.

Now to finish the day with pie.

Be Jealous. :) 


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Don't start without me....


It's the beginning of a new year. 


Wow....who would have thunk? Right?

and I'm a twenty-one year old brunette....yeah I dyed....who is still a college student. 

Still in the burg. 

Still studying art. 

Still broke.....or barely with money. 

Still single. 

Don't misunderstand me. 

I'm not complaining. 

I like where I'm at. I don't think I'm ready for all the big real world stuff. 

I think I am still a scared little sixteen year old inside.

Not ready to completely grow up, but definitely ready to be on my own. 

In one sense of the phrase at least. 

I'm just scared of what the future holds, I guess.

I just hope that when the time comes I will be able to be the person I need to be.

The person God needs me to be.

So I think this year that is what I am going to work on.

Becoming a better me.
