
Monday, August 26, 2013

Our evil plan is working.

Wow....who would have thought that the past three months would go this fast.

It's already August. 

Four more weeks til school starts again. 

Two and a half months til I go to New York City. 

Six more months til I graduate. 

It just....It just....

It all just seems so surreal. I feel like I just left home. 

But I won't get ahead of myself. 

We'll save this thoughtful reverie for another post in like six months time. 

For now, let's stay in the present. If we don't, I think I might hyperventilate.

The present isn't too exciting though.

It consists of:

5-8 hour shifts 4-5 days a week.


Reading my scriptures.

Going on extensive walks, which are quite nice by the way. I wonder why I never took them before.

Hanging out with Sam, Nagila, Morwiah, and whoever else stops by.

Going to the Library to check out 8 books, but then end up taking them back two weeks later only having read one of them.

Going to DI (Deseret Industries -- equivalent of Goodwill if that rings a bell) and finding a super awesome pink sequin skirt that I have been looking for for ages.

Endless trips to Idaho Falls to go to work. Don't worry the Idaho landscape just gets more interesting the more you drive it.


Laughing and eating ice cream with Friends.

Watching Duck Dynasty.

Filling out job applications. Kind of. I am being a bit of a lazy bum in that ballpark.

Going to Utah to visit with the fam.

Celebrating my nephews birthday with a trip to the zoo.

Going to my first ever minor league baseball game. Pretty awesome I have to say. Didn't catch a ball though. Little bit of a let down.


Window online shopping for things that I really can't afford but don't worry.....most of those stay on the screen. Unfortunately.....

Lusting after landscapes, cities, mountains, and adventures that I wish to go on.

And a lot of praying because I have decided to change it up next semester. I have decided to move out of the apartment I have lived in for three years.

It doesn't seem like a big deal as I write it out to you.

I mean...I'm just moving, but I 'm leaving the place that has been my sanctuary for 1,095 days of the 8,030 days I have lived on this earth. When I say it like that it seems even more unimportant.

But for me, it is a big step, because I am leaving familiarity and branching a little bit into the unknown, which will be good for me.

That's what people say, right?

Here's to finding out if I believe them. :)
