With where they are.
What they are doing.
Who they are.
And where they are going.
But there are some days where one longs for more.
Longs for change.
For travel.
For adventure.
For uncertainty.
For scenery that is unknown and undiscovered.
And it's been one of those weeks.
Although I know that I am blessed to be here, sometimes I wish I could just go.
So right now, I am going to promise myself something,
To NEVER stop dreaming.
To NEVER give up with anything I believe in.
To NEVER not feel good enough to be on this earth.
To NEVER let my dreams be belittled.
To NEVER forget the opportunities are limitless.

I want to seize every moment and live it like it can never be lived again.
I want to find the love that exists all around the world.
I want to cherish all the beauty the Lord has provided us.
I want to live and honor those who have gone before me and Those who have created me.
For I never want to look back at my life and see a stationary person.
I want to see a moving, improving, giving, loving, forgiving, dreaming person.
Someone who someday can inspire my children.
To live.
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