Begin piteous monologue.
Sometimes you forget life has it's problems.
Mostly because everything is going so good.
Your classes aren't totally overwhelming.
Your roommates are pretty much the epitome of awesome.
You are developing spiritually.
You are loving where you are.
You are even getting out of your comfort zone a little.
You are changing.
Then it stops.
And this overwhelming feeling of loneliness envelops your soul.
Like you are the only person on this earth that has no one.
No one to pour your heart out to.
No one to discuss your dreams with.
No one who will hold you and just let you sob.
No one who will hold your hand and lend you some of their strength.
I know.....sounds like I'm describing a guy....a boyfriend of some kind.
And maybe I am.
Sometimes you just want somebody physical to anchor yourself to.
But I guess I do have someone.
And that is Heavenly Father.
And I love him.
But sometimes a human ear would be nice.
End piteous monologue.
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