
Friday, October 26, 2012

Harry Butts


The vain to my existence.

The salt in my wounds.

The tears pouring out my eyes.

The stress overwhelming my brain.

The lotion to my dry, crackled skin.

If there ever was a real hell week, it would be this one.

So in light of every freakin' thing I still have to do, I am going to waste some time.

Not precious time, but still, time.

Where I do not have to think about tests, presentations, pots, turnovers, photo shoots, or my future.

It is just going to be you, me, and pictures.

Yes.....doesn't that sound nice.


Here we go....

Yes....wet clay has become a very kind friend to me. 
Except it hasn't. 
But we won't get into that.

Oh....and funny story. 
I actually got this cupcake for free. 
A super nice man in front of me paid for it. 
I was speechless. 
One of the best things that has ever happened to me.

And I quites enjoyed it. 
Super Yummers.

First Glaze of the semester. 
I think it turned out successfully. 
Now....what to use it for.

Yes....I did. 
And I want to wear it every single day of my life. 
But unfortunately, I don't think the Rexburg population would appreciate that.

I love when something works out. 
And looks pretty awesome. 

I found my ring. 
That's it.

And last, but not least, here is a thought that I hope will convey my emotions from this week. 

I wish midterms were dead. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Intreat me not to leave thee....

Begin piteous monologue.


Sometimes you forget life has it's problems.

Mostly because everything is going so good.

Your classes aren't totally overwhelming.

Your roommates are pretty much the epitome of awesome.

You are developing spiritually.

You are loving where you are.

You are even getting out of your comfort zone a little.

You are changing.

Then it stops.

And this overwhelming feeling of loneliness envelops your soul.

Like you are the only person on this earth that has no one.

No one to pour your heart out to.

No one to discuss your dreams with.

No one who will hold you and just let you sob.

No one who will hold your hand and lend you some of their strength.

I know.....sounds like I'm describing a guy....a boyfriend of some kind.

And maybe I am.

Sometimes you just want somebody physical to anchor yourself to.

But I guess I do have someone.

And that is Heavenly Father.

And I love him.

But sometimes a human ear would be nice.


End piteous monologue.
