I have a favor to ask of you today.
I have wanted to ask this for about a week now, but everything has been so hectic.
Saturday I got evacuated off of Pikes Peak because of a local wildfire.
At that moment, it wasn't a scary thing. Probably because I was too busy celebrating not having to work for the rest of the day.
And I was pretending that it wouldn't get to serious because no really big disasters hit where we live.
But on Monday morning, I realized that this was not going to just blow over.
It is big and it has the power to destroy everything in it's path.
It's scary.
And I'm not just saying this because my brother and his family were in the midst of being evacuated.
I'm not saying it because their house could have burnt to the ground.
Nor am I saying it because the look on my niece's face when she contemplated her house burning shook me.
But each of these woke me up.
The people who were hurt by this fire weren't hurt bodily (thank goodness), but they were hurt. And they are scared and homeless and worried about what life is going to hurl at them next.
They have a lot stacked upon their shoulders.
I want to lighten them somehow.
Tell them it is okay and that even though parts of their life is gone, they still have the foundation. Their family.
But I don't really know how to do that by myself at this point so I am going to start by praying.
Because I know the Lord is there watching out for those people. Comforting them. Loving them. Helping them.
Even if they don't know it.
So.....could I ask each of you a favor?
To pray for these people who have been affected by the fire, including the firefighters, the military, and all those who are participating at extinguishing the fire?
To pray for the weather to turn moist?
To pray, not only for this fire, but for any person in this world who is burdened with heavy doubts or fears or worries?
To send your love to them even though they are strangers?
I am learning that family is not just the people you know and love and are related to in some way.
I have family all across Colorado Springs and all across the United States and all across the world that I have not met and probably will never meet.
But, in some way that I don't quite understand yet, I love them. They are my Father's children. He loves them, why not I?
Love this post! I am grateful for the rain we've gotten!