
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sad Week.... has been awhile.

I'm slightly embarrassed by my evident procrastination.

This last week has been a dosey. Probably the most hectic week I have ever died living through. was that rough.

Finals were gross.

I spent a good twenty hours this week studying for them, which is almost an entire day wasted on information I'm not even going to remember later on in my life. Which is sad....

The even sadder part of the week came on Thursday when I had to start packing all my stuff.

Packing in my mind is like doing a 60 second wall squat.....agonizing, harmful, and absolutely horrifying.....and that is just when I'm thinking about it.

When I'm actually doing's just bad.

However, I physically survived the pain, but I wasn't sure if my dad's van would though. I have way too much junk.

And it almost didn't when my parents got to the burg on Friday. But my dad, the master organizer that he is, squished everything inside.

Than the saddest part of the week occurred: the moment of departure.

I have loved my apartment this semester. Much more than my roommates know. They have helped me become a stronger human being. I am truly going to miss them.

Somehow it just doesn't seem right to go back home, to people who know the old Bethany. The eighteen year old Bethany.

A person that still exists in theory, but has, I like to think, changed. But like a very smart person once said (yes....I can't remember who),"Grow where you are planted."

And as of right now, my roots are being transplanted from the rich soil of Rexburg to the unknown soil in Colorado.

And even though the future is unknown and kind of freaking me out.....I am excited.

Though I am still wishing I could have shrunk my roommates so I could take them back home with me....

Pictures were slim this week....but here is one of my nephew on our way to Utah from the Burg.

He's a cutie pie. 


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