
Sunday, April 29, 2012

I have a moth in my room, but I don't care.

Do you know what my parents did at Stake Conference this weekend?

They scouted out potential candidates for my future husband. parents are awesome.

They look out for my welfare....

Or a way for them to get me out of their house.

Anyway, here are your....

Pins of the Week.

I think this should be tip #1.
Because this is definitely a tip more bros need to live by.

A Strawberry, Brie and Chocolate Grilled Cheese.
Ohhh....I think I just discovered what bliss could really taste like.
Been on a cooking kick this week 
maybe just a I-want-to-eat-everything-that-looks-amazing week.
Either one. 

I am in love with this dress. 
I just love the lace and the bow and the skirt. 
Oh. It is so pretty.

Blueberry Lime Salsa. 
Yes, Please. 

Whoever came up with this genius, I salute you. 
 And bow to you. 

Days like these seem to be getting more frequent since I left college. 
I have no idea.

Ultimate Fangirl Moment right here. 
I watched this video like thirty times. 
I squealed every time I watched it. 
I am a sucker for Bones.



So I have been meaning to blog this since Wednesday, but I was lazy and didn't really want to write words that accompanied the pictures. 

Because words just seemed so unnecessary, but I'll give them to you anyway. 


By the way, I have finally learned how to spell Wednesday without using spell check. 

Major accomplishment? 

I think so. 


I went to a job fair wednesday. 

To look for a job. 


But there was only two employers there. 

Hmmm....a problem?

But the Lord was on my side and I did manage to book an interview. 

I was still a little disappointed though. 

So I went to the mall and shopped around seeing if anyone was hiring. 

And had lunch with some of my home ward buddies. 

After all of that, I treated myself to a trip to Target. 

 I looked at the jewelry. 

And wondered if fashion has evolved since I last checked a week ago. 

And whether or not, I can evolve with it. 

I don't think so. 

Then I went to Old Colorado City and looked at all of the awesome shops. 

I might have also treated myself to a cupcake. 

From Mya Bella Cupcakes. 

Their shop is so cute and their cupcakes are so good. 

Strawberry and Lemon never tasted so good together.

Probably the best cupcake I have had in a long time.

If you are ever in Colorado Springs, stop by. 


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Once upon a time there was a relief society lesson in which we were talking about repentance. It was great, but one part really stood out to me. I don't remember exactly how it had relevance to the lesson, but it stuck with me nonetheless.

Anyway, in this part, the teacher was explaining how one of the leaders would tell her to stop praying for patience because each time she did she would come to church looking frazzled because the Lord would put a trial in her way to help her to learn patience.....

Well, today I learned that same lesson.

I asked for patience regarding filling out job applications and the Lord definitely humbled me today.

It was a very hard day. One that I wish I could say I handled gracefully.....but let's just say I'm human.

Some tears were shed.

But I learned a lot and am grateful to see that Heavenly Father does listen to me and does answer my prayers.

He loves me and that is something I will never give up.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yeah....I would marry you.

There weren't a lot of interesting pins this week. 

Or awesome ones. 

However, I did find one. 

I thought it was pretty clever. 

A guy, today, after I gave him one of my homemade oreos said, 

"I would marry you."

Well, let me tell you something honey. 

Your going to have to be pretty awesome to do that. 


Saturday, April 21, 2012


After going to a thrift store and not finding anything that looked decent on me, 

I was a green homemade oreo kind of day.

Probably not the best decision for my hips. 

But the best for my taste buds.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Honestly, girls have always found them attractive.

I love going to my brother''s house after a long long week in my house. 

It is rejuvenating and just plain wonderful. 

-- Especially when we get to watch the nieces and nephew play on an awesome fort playground. 

You know.....those cool ones with the climbing wall and awesome slide. 

Made out of wood? 

It was pretty awesome. Makes me want to be a kid again....really bad. really bad. 

-- Especially when my niece wants to play a board game with me. 

A Cat in the Hat board game to be more exact. 

The point of the game is to get the most stars by flipping over three cards and building an action sentence which you have to attempt to do. 

This was one of mine. 

And trust me.....I succeeded. 

And my niece and nephew laughed at me while I did it. 

But I did succeed. 

However, I have to admit, this game was not built for a twenty year old. 

Maybe that is why I lost. Hmmmmm....                                      

-- Especially when we just sit in the living room and talk about anything and everything that comes up. 

Like my brother's awesome muscles.

How I got my dad addicted to Jane Austen movies. 

And how cute Avery is when she laughs, makes funny faces, and says funny things. 

-- And especially when I get to hold baby Ashton. 

He is so cute and soft and cuddly. 

A great night to end the day I think. 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Idle Ramblings....

Rexburg, I can't believe I am saying this, but I miss you. 

I miss the classes, the people, the teachers, the atmosphere, and the leaders. 

Plus, the busy feeling. I hate feeling idle. 

I should probably just find something to do while waiting to hear from potential jobs, but I.....I.....have no excuse. 

Being at home makes me lazy.....but going to do something somewhere takes gas....and money.

Something that I unfortunately don't have enough of.

Hopefully, soon, that changes...

But on a happy note, I got into Pottermore!!

Yeah....I am pretty super excited. I haven't been sorted yet, but I am pretty excited to get there. 

We'll see how much longer the excitement stem though, the verdicts still out on Pottermore.

It isn't what I was expecting, but it is interesting.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Sunday Blues....

Pins of the Week....

Mustard Yellow. Check.
Knee Length. Check. 
Awesome Pleats. Check. 
Desire to Make. 
Oh Yeah.

Kids are awesome. 
Sometimes I wish I still was one.
They come up with the funniest comebacks.

Found these really awesome quotes from General Conference. 
The designer design them really well. 
Check them out. 
Click on the picture.

Inspiring words from a truly inspired man. 


Yes.....we do. 
Is that so hard to believe?

Wreck the Dress Shoot.
Beautiful shot. Love the colors.
I am pretty much in love with this. 
If I had the chance, I would definitely do this.

Half of me liked this just because I really like the composition of this photo.
The other half really likes the quote. 


Saturday, April 14, 2012


6:28 a.m: Missed Phone call from my sister-in-law to my mother
6:29 a.m: Another missed phone call from my brother to my mother. 
7:15 a.m: My Adele ringtone, at the highest volume, jolts me out of bed.
7:15:20: I pick up the phone. 
7:15:45: My brother tells me that my sister-in-law is in labor. 

Isn't kind of sad that my brother has to resort to calling me because my parents leave their phones downstairs where they can't hear them? 

Hmmmm....I think there is a lesson somewhere in that statement.

Anyway, my parents got up and ran out the door to get the little cutie pies to take them to the hospital. 

And at 8:13 a.m, little Ashton was born.

Isn't he the cutest thing?

We are so glad to welcome him to our family. 

He will be loved. 

A little later, Anaya and me left to head to my house. We decided to watch The Little Mermaid and eat humongous strawberries. 

When the other cutie pies arrived, we went out to the sandbox. 

We shoveled, bulldozed, and make sandcastles. 

We played baseball and made brownies. 

We built lego semis and ate Jellybeans. 

And we made balloon animals. 

The kids were thrilled with this one. 

By the time all of the balloons were gone, Anaya was DECKED out with all sorts of goodies. 

She has a belt, a flower wand, a sword, a hat, and a dagger (not pictured). 

She almost looks like a musketeer....except her costume is much noisier.

Every move involves a *squish squish* here and a *squish squish* there. 

Hopefully she doesn't plan to sneak up on anybody.....


Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday....the thirteenth

 We are close to the end of my first week at home and surprisingly I have yet to see my nieces and nephew. 

Usually, I see them within the first few days I have been home, but sadly, my parents keep stealing the cars to go to work and school. 

Somehow they think this is more important than seeing their grandchildren. 

But me? I know what is truly important. 

Alas, I still have no way to get over to see my cutie pies.

But today, friday the thirteenth that all changed. 

I got a car.

I call him Boost. 

Isn't he adorable?

He has a few cracks and some dents and sometimes he gets too emotional and overheats, but his personality definitely overweighs the few problem areas. 

I like him. 

My dad and me got him registered today so he is officially part of my small family. It is nice not to be alone and trapped inside my parent's house anymore.

After we got Boost taken care of, we took off for my brother's house. 

There, I: 

Hopscotched with Anaya.

She is a pro, by the way. If there was hopscotch in the Olympics, she would win.

Ate dinner with the Fam. 

Watched Austin make funny videos of himself. 
He was laughing so hard when he watched these videos. 
Over and over again....

Growled with Avery. 
I love little kids that growl. 
And I love growling right back. 
It is so fun.

Talked about the Hunger Games and how awesome Stanley Tucci is.

Ate Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with the Fam. 

Looked at Wreck the Dress wedding photography. 

And then...

Decided we were all exhausted.

It was all so fun. 

It is great to be home.


Thursday the 12th.

Yesterday.....April 12, I:

Woke up to the quacking of ducks at 7:30 in the morning. Ugh....whoever decided duck quacks were good for alarm clocks definitely needs to reconsider that one.

Pretended to be a college student at Pikes Peak Community College. was kind of weird. It definitely had a very different vibe than BYU-Idaho. The reclining chairs in the lounge were nice though. Spent a good hour in those waiting for a friend.

Went with said friend shopping to find her an awesome outfit for her date last night. We went about everywhere joking, talking, and just having a spectacular time.

Quick Question: are the shirts with the butterfly sleeves a trend now? If so, I am not sure if I approve. Fashions have definitely changed since I have last been to a store.

Sorry....distraction averted.

Got some sweet smelling candles at Wal-mart. My room will smell divine whenever it gets fully clean.

Relaxed for an hour after the exhausting, but awesome shopping trip.

Cleaned the kitchen for mi madre. She actually let me listen to my music at a semi-high volume. It made me happy.

Sang and danced around in the kitchen after dishes were cleaned and floor was swept.

Finished a job application.

And finally, watched Sherlock Holmes, the BBC version, with my dad. I almost forgot how much I love this version. The actors are really awesome....

Definitely a must to check out...


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Cheer up, Little Goddess - the world keeps spinning!" -KH

I learned two things today: 

I need to get a life. 

School has spoiled me. It has spoiled me big time. 

But I think this summer its all going to change. I'm going to change. 

I'm going to work harder. love deeper. forgive frequently. laugh often. chase my dreams. meditate more. find friendships. have adventures. see clearer. take risks. be me. 

I think that is what I need.....I am twenty after all. 

It is probably about time for me to change and grow up. Past time I would say......

I just don't want to waste any more time. 

I don't want to hide anymore. or feel like I am not good enough. 

And I sure as heck don't want to waste my life sitting here alone. 

I need to stop acting like change is going to come to me, because most likely, it's not.

Nope. It's all going to change. 

The smell that comes before the rain is bliss. 

Beautiful intoxicating bliss.

So is the smell of fresh biscuits coming out of the oven. 



Monday, April 9, 2012


Today was...


The day I have been waiting for for the last three weeks has finally occurred and I have to admit, I loved it. 

I thought going to the movies alone was going to be really awkward, but I found it to be extremely relaxing. A good place to spend some me time. 

And the movie you ask? Oh my was awesomely stellar and I don't just say that about anything. 

The music, the action, the characters, the cast, the cinematography were perfect. I have to admit, I teared up a lot during the movie. It was so good. 

Funny moment though.....(spoilers warned)

At the end, when Katniss and Peeta were counting down to the moment they were going to put the nightlock into their mouths, the audio in the theater went dead. 

So it went like this. 

Peeta: On the count of three. 3.......2...... --------------------

Dead silence. Definitely one way to kill the climax. 

And for a good five minutes, it was like we were transported to the days of silent films. 

Thankfully, they rewinded it and let us watch the ending again. Plus, it made for a good laugh. 

After that, my dad and I surfed around in Target. Didn't find too much.....but I did find an awesome mustard yellow wallet for super cheap....$3.50. Pretty awesome. 

Then we went home....and I went back to the daunting task of unpacking. 

To make this task more appealing, I turned on a movie. BAD IDEA. 

Due to my lack of multi-tasking, I ended up paying more attention to the awesome action of The Three Musketeers instead of on the mountain of junk lying all over my bedroom floor. 

I have officially become hopeless. 

I think being at home makes me lazy.

There is also something about being at home that magically makes me what to go to bed before midnight. 

Weird....I know. 

Maybe it's because my parents are in bed by ten.....and the house is quiet and there is really nothing else to do, but to keep unpacking my room. 

And, honestly, sleeping sounds better, don't ya think?


Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Fork in the Road....

Pins of the Week....

You know, in our society today...
it kind of is. 

Mustard Yellow.
I found my new backpack.

You know, I always knew I was an introvert.
But I never really understood myself until now. 
And all of these are absolutely true.....
I always need at least a three hour advanced notice. 

I love this painting....
The colors and the lines and her EYES are magnificent.
Can you feel the energy, the emotion?

I am on a Calvin and Hobbes kick of late. 
I forgot how awesome these comics were. 
I love Calvin....
and his bluntness. 

Enough said.

I have always loved Neil off of White Collar.
His hat, his suits, and his deep, deep blue eyes have always captivated me.
He is extremely attractive. 
But when I saw this....
Matt Bomer has become AWESOME. 
I mean, who knew?
I knew there was a reason I liked him in White Collar.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sad Week.... has been awhile.

I'm slightly embarrassed by my evident procrastination.

This last week has been a dosey. Probably the most hectic week I have ever died living through. was that rough.

Finals were gross.

I spent a good twenty hours this week studying for them, which is almost an entire day wasted on information I'm not even going to remember later on in my life. Which is sad....

The even sadder part of the week came on Thursday when I had to start packing all my stuff.

Packing in my mind is like doing a 60 second wall squat.....agonizing, harmful, and absolutely horrifying.....and that is just when I'm thinking about it.

When I'm actually doing's just bad.

However, I physically survived the pain, but I wasn't sure if my dad's van would though. I have way too much junk.

And it almost didn't when my parents got to the burg on Friday. But my dad, the master organizer that he is, squished everything inside.

Than the saddest part of the week occurred: the moment of departure.

I have loved my apartment this semester. Much more than my roommates know. They have helped me become a stronger human being. I am truly going to miss them.

Somehow it just doesn't seem right to go back home, to people who know the old Bethany. The eighteen year old Bethany.

A person that still exists in theory, but has, I like to think, changed. But like a very smart person once said (yes....I can't remember who),"Grow where you are planted."

And as of right now, my roots are being transplanted from the rich soil of Rexburg to the unknown soil in Colorado.

And even though the future is unknown and kind of freaking me out.....I am excited.

Though I am still wishing I could have shrunk my roommates so I could take them back home with me....

Pictures were slim this week....but here is one of my nephew on our way to Utah from the Burg.

He's a cutie pie. 
