
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Put Some Windex.


This week has been exhausting.

Seriously. I think I forgot that school was supposed to be a lot of work.

Or that days seem to go by so quickly and before you know it, it is the day before your project is due and you are so behind and you are freaking out because you kind of forgot how exactly to do it and you want to do good because, of course, you want a good grade, but you also have so much more to do, plus you don't want to seem anti-social because you are never home.

Yeah....this first week has been a blur and a kick in the butt.

It's taught me that I need to be more focused, which might mean extended trips to the library.

Ick....that place is like a prison.

But mostly un-distracting so I guess thats a plus.

I just hope that this semester will be good. On wednesday, it seemed like was going to be awesome.

But then, I procrastinated.

I blame my accessibility to Netflix and David Tutera's awesome wedding planning skills.

And my friend, Sam.

But mostly, I just need to buckle down. I had too much fun during my off track. Not having to worry about multiple class with multiple homework assignment all going on at the same exact time. I was spoiled.

This day has been a great reliever though.

Going to church and feeling the spirit of God is something that I cannot live without.

It reminds me of what is truly important and that school is not the only reason that I am here in the Burg.

It also reminds me that I can be forgiven for all the things I have done wrong and that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there for me no matter how far from Them I think I have gone.

It is such a comfort. And hopefully through continuous scripture study, prayer, fasting, and temple attendance, I will get to a place where I feel his love and spirit at all times.

So in light of the Sabbath, I want to share a message with all of you. It is said with a spirit of comfort that gives me hope.

Have a blessed Sunday. 

Love you all. 


Monday, September 2, 2013

Pears....and Tigers.

You know life is just going awesome when you get your official discount card to use where you work, two weeks before you quit. funny life is.

Made my morning quite enjoyable.

Have an awesome Labor Day. Hopefully it is sunny where you are.
