
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Freaking Flabbergast....

Being busy is sometimes good.

It keeps me on my toes. Ready for action. Ready for learning. 

But then sometimes....well, let's not beat around the bush....almost all the time, being busy isn't so great. 

Especially when all the busyness just bombards your fragile brain in one day and you have a presentation for which you didn't prepare until the night before.....oh and the morning of.....and for which your group didn't really meet for and then you have a religion test due right after devotional, but your class before devotional goes up to devotional so you're fretting about whether or not your class before devotional will get out early enough for you to take it AND go to devotional or if you will have to just skip devotional all together.'s been one of those days. 

So Moriah and me decided we need to run away. 

Far far away. 

Somewhere where the busyness cannot touch us. 


We were thinking Europe.





New York City.

The Maldives Islands.

Specifically the Boat hotel on Cocoa Island. 



And wherever else our feet guide us. 


We are leaving this weekend. We haven't quite figured out the travel arrangements yet. 

But let me tell's going to be awesome. 

Definitely worth all of the loans we took out to do this. 

If anyone wants to join.....let us know. 

Unfortunately, you'll definitely have to take out your own loans though. 

Ours only go so far. 


Monday, September 17, 2012

So I forgot something. My roommate wanted your number.

First homework assignment of the semester. 

Make pinch pots. 

Yes. Possibly the best first homework assignment I've ever gotten. 

I should have change my major earlier. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Doesn't Everest have a gift shop?

Before I left for school, I knew that this semester would be a game changer.

A big, kick you in the face, game changer.

Bruises included, but not necessarily bad ones.

Nope.....some are good.

I just haven't figured how.

That's okay though. It is only the third day of classes.

I'm sure questions will be answered.

Surprises will continue.

Prayers will be never ending.

One after the other.

The only thing I am really sure of is that there is a lesson coming.

A lesson I am already learning bit by bit.

I just hope it pulls me closer to my Father in Heaven.

Not away.

Because heaven knows, I can't do this all by myself.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

They are all just babies.....

Night before the semester begins and I am sitting in my bedroom wondering....

About what?

Ya know....I have no clue. 

Do you ever have those times where you know something is bothering you, but you have yet to decipher what it is?

Or maybe that the thing that is bothering you just hasn't happened yet? So it is a mystery, but it is still bothering you. 

I don't know.  

It is probably just nerves. 

About delving more into my major. 

About finding what I love about it.

About finding a job. 

About turning 21 and what that means. 

About finding a way to support myself. 

About being independent. 

About making my parents proud of me. 

About making my Heavenly Father proud of me. 

About making friends and getting good grades. 

Yeah.....probably just nerves. :)

But onward...
To the Pins of the Week.

I have been really into crafts of late so here are some I found really nifty. 

Being a college student plagued with stress and worries, 
I thought this was pretty cool. 
I mean....who doesn't like packing bubbles. 
Plus, it is an inexpensive little surprise you can give just to tell them
you are thinking of them. 

Even though I'm not yet a parent, me thinks this is brilliant. 
Creating a little surprise so the kids will be as excited as you are to leave for your date. 
Great way to keep their minds entertained. 

Super awesome idea. 
Putting your families story on a light switch cover 
before you move so the next tenants will be able to find it.  
Great way to share a part of yourself with others. 

When I grow up.....I want to be a mother.
Who really puts an emphasis on getting to know her children. 
This jar has different questions to ask children everyday.
Some are funny and others are serious. 
It is a great way to record memories.

One word. 
Brilliant. Just so brilliant. 
No other word to describe it. 

Such a cute alternative to a family portrait. 

A fun idea of how to save your wedding bouquet 
instead of just letting it die. 
You could probably do this with a lot of things. 

Happy Sunday.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Recovered, never cured.'s uhhh....been awhile.

I missed this. Sitting down, just my computer and me, typing away.

My Mac got sick and had to go to our local medicine man for a few days. Thankfully, the cure took.

So my vehicle for this blog took a few sick days off.

As did I. After work ended, a cold overtook me.

But I can assure you, we are both back.

Better than ever.

We are super stoked for the semester in front of us.

We can't wait to start another chapter in the Burg.

But unfortunately, we might hit a snag.

Because packing is not that great.

Sometimes I wish I just had a bag like Mary Poppin's.

Just so I could just dump all of my crap in there without having to organize everything like the organizational freak I am.

Would that be too much to ask?
