Ever since Demi Lovato (pictured below) went into rehab last year, I have longed her return. Her television show, Sonny with a Chance, was one of my favorite Disney obsessions. I was so devastated when she announced that she was quitting the show to focus on her music career. She was the show. Now it is just blah....but then I heard her new single. The first time I listen to it I was hooked. Her voice sends this rush of pure raw emotion through me. I feel her pains, her heartbreaks, her trials, and her successes. She has overcome so much, much like all of us have. But there is one thing that separates us from her. She publicly proclaimed she had a problem. The whole world knew. Think of the pressure and the embarrassment she must have felt when she had to pour out her most dark kept secrets to the millions of people on this earth. She put her career on the line and she did it with grace and bravery. I don't think I could have done what she did. To be forced into rehab is one thing, but to actually realize the severity of your problem and send yourself into rehab is something incredibly difficult and impressive.
Her new single, "Skyscrap

er", is equally impressive. She recorded it before she went into rehab so you can feel the raw emotion that was exploding through her. The first time I clicked the play button on her YouTube video I felt emotionally involved with everything she has gone through to get where she is today. It struck me hard that there are thousands of young girls and many others that are battling the same problems. They are depressed, self-loathing, bullied, anorexic, even bulimic. Before I heard this song, I was focused on me and my silly little problems. "Skyscraper" helped me to realize there are people out there that need help. I might not be the exact person to give the advice, but I can at least help in the effort of raising teen's self-worth everywhere.
So here I am.....speaking loud and clear to teens and young adults everywhere....People can hurt you with their words, their laughter, their actions and you can hurt yourself for believing in them, but hating yourself is not worth your time. Rise yourself up beyond them and their words and embrace the love that surrounds every part of your life. You might not see it clearly until you look. Also, forgive yourself and start over. If you need help, search for it. There are always people in your family, your friends, or in any other aspect of your life who would LOVE to help because they LOVE you!
I have always felt insecure about my weight because I am definitely not the skinniest girl on the block. I am far larger than what the world (or celebrities) deem as average. I have felt the pressure to be a size 4 or even a size 8, but fortunately I have family and friends that have always loved me even at the times I have felt my worse. They kept me from turning to drastic weight loss measures and to that I am eternally grateful. Today, I still have times where I curse my body's inability to be a perfect smooth canvas (probably at least once a day. Is that healthy?), but in the end I remember that nobody is perfect, not even the celebrities or the people who judge me. And it doesn't even matter what they think because I am trying my best to be more healthy and to love myself for all that I am.
So this is me saluting Demi Lovato for being an example to young people everywhere. For showing us that bravery really is admitting you are scared and need help. Please...listen to her
song. She might just change your heart like she did mine.
Thanks Demi.